Responsible Driver Program Interview Questions

  1. Van Driver Interview Questions
  2. Interview Questions For Cdl Drivers

How to answer the job interview question: ‘What was the last project you led and what was its outcome?’ Questions on leadership may come up in a job interview. Use this formula to prove to the interviewer that you’re up to any management challenge. Sample Interview Questions with Suggested Ways of Answering Q. Tell me about yourself. This is the dreaded, classic, open-ended interview question and likely to be among the first. It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related. Why do you want to leave your current job?

Regardless of your industry, a job interview follows some particular patterns. Trust us, some of the same, time-worn interview questions will show up.

As you prepare for that interview, shift your perspective.

Prepare interview answers for categories, rather than to actual questions.

Because the sequence, wording and content will vary from interview to interview, you should focus on general topics. Doing so ensures you're ready for whatever comes your way. Plus, by thinking in big picture terms for each category, your answers will ultimately come across as more conversational, and believable, which will make the interview better for everyone. Here are the 10 biggies you should consider:

'Tell me about yourself.'

At first glance, this question can seem easy to answer (and it can be), but you need to have your compass pointed true North to pull it off.
To prepare, start by thinking of 3-5 strong and relevant adjectives that describe you and your values. Tell the interviewer what they are, then give real examples of how you embody the adjectives. Certainly, you can mention hobbies or interests in your explanation, but keep them relatable to the job.

'Describe a challenge or conflict you've faced and how you dealt with it.'

Your potential employer needs to know how you respond under pressure and how you resolve conflicts.

Most everyone has a story where they reacted less than ideally to a workplace issue. You can mention one of these experiences if you feel it's appropriate — it could ultimately make your case stronger. But you can also use an example that didn't happen in the office. The important part is how you describe the resolution, not that there was an issue.
Choose an incident in which you were frustrated but overcame the emotional turmoil or one where you had to make a sacrifice that didn't jeopardize the quality of your output. Your interviewer's asking this question to determine if you're candid, coolheaded and willing to compromise.

'What's your greatest personal achievement?'

Choose one or two max. You do not want to come off as boastful, even if you have accomplished a lot. Your discretion in the choices you make will speak far more positively of you than offering an endless laundry list.

The example you choose should be something that's not widely applicable, meaning don't mention graduating college. Choose something that sets you apart, such as organizing a charity drive for local animal shelters where you raised $10,000. BTW, quantifying an achievement (re: $10,000 to a good cause) is a great trick. Just don't exaggerate.

'What's your biggest strength/weakness?'

Many of us tend to dislike this question, but we actually think it's one of the more fun questions you can be asked. It's an opportunity to showcase how well you really know yourself, which is more critical to employers than many applicants realize.

People often get stuck on how to spin a weakness into a positive asset because, admittedly, you shouldn't be telling a potential employer that you have bad habits. Let's say you have a tendency to get distracted. You can tell your interviewer that, but clarify the actions you've taken to remedy it. Mention that you've now implemented a schedule where you wake up early, work out and set aside the hours from 7-9 to respond to emails, then don't check again until right before lunch. Demonstrating your drive to better yourself is key.

'Why do you want a change from your current career path?'

You committed to one professional direction, but you're not feeling it anymore. That's fine, but make sure you explain it in a less cavalier way than that.

You'll need more than just, 'It wasn't the right fit.' Why wasn't it? You can start by explaining the parts you got right (no one wants to hear you hated everything about your last job), then explain what you didn't. Lack of career advancement? Wanted more responsibility or challenging projects?
Know your reasons, stick to them, don't apologize. You wanted something better, and that's why you're interviewing now.

'Where do you see yourself in [X] years?'

Even if you are 100 percent positive at the time of interview that the job is right for you, it doesn't mean you're ready to commit the next 10 years of your professional life to it. Don't play lip-service if you genuinely can't see it. Instead, talk about the things you would want to do long-term.

Talk about your passion for the actual work you'd be doing: 'As a product manager, I would be able to fulfill my dream of executing a business strategy from conceptualization to market; these types of business plans are what I plan to be designing for the rest of my career.'
You can also talk about personal goals of yours: owning a house, starting a diverse investment portfolio, supporting a family, managing/starting your own business. You can connect how the job description would allow you to better attain those personal goals. Just use discretion when discussing the new job as a potential means to an end. No one wants to hire someone because they cite the job as an ideal way to start their 401(k). Talk about personal goals in addition to succeeding in something your passionate about in the industry.

'Why are you interested in our industry?'

Again, your preparation and research will come in handy here. If you have a story about what first sparked your curiosity about your industry, that's a great thing to describe now.

Pick a moment in time when you felt particularly connected to the work that was going on in your field (positive or negative) and explain those feelings. If possible, reference something that just broke in the news having to do with your industry.

Van Driver Interview Questions

'How do you evaluate success?'

There is no wrong answer to this question. Be cognizant of the type of job you are applying for. If you're aiming for a big corporation, your emphasis should be on the bottom line. If you're applying for a non-profit, you should place more importance on social impact. If you're applying for a start-up or maybe a fashion house, you should talk about influence and media presence.

You'll also want to make the answer personal to you, such as always improving performance, furthering the company's mission, making a positive overall impact, maintaining the best quality of your work, up-keeping team morale, successfully and reliably completing projects, etc.


'What gets you out of bed every day?'

Interview Questions For Cdl Drivers

What's important with your answer is what's implied — employers don't care if you're into fly fishing or Baroque painting, they care about your personal values, well-roundedness, and dedication.

Although you can answer this question with a work-related passion, we suggest picking a hobby or 'extracurricular,' so to speak. Perhaps your passion is music – why does it make you tick?

'Do you have any questions for me?'

They want something specific from you: to see if you've been paying attention and whether you can multitask. There's a lot of new information thrown at you in an interview, and the interviewer wants to see how well you've processed it all.

You should try to ask at least three questions at the end of your interviews, but don't just ask to ask. If you can easily Google it, don't ask it. We actually recommend you prepare some questions specific to the company in advance and memorize them. If your head is spinning at the end of your interview, you can refer back to them. At the very least, they will know you did your research.
It also doesn't hurt to ask questions about what you can expect from the role. Think of questions like: 'What's the biggest challenge you think I'll face coming into this position?' 'Why did the last person leave the role?' 'Who would I be working with on a daily basis, and what might an average day in the position look like?'

Come prepared: Here are five questions to ask in your interview.

A version of this article originally appeared on Career Contessa, an online platform facilitating honest conversations by real women about work and life—to help you achieve fulfillment and balance in both.