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The term BASIC, an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, actually describes a whole plethora ofcomputer languages, not all of which are actually compatible with each other. On many home computers, the earliestimplementations of the BASIC language was as a very simple line oriented interpreter. The simplicity of the original languagemade it easy for beginners to learn programming, giving rise to a whole generation of programmers who cut their teeth onthis language (although it must be said that the language's simplicity also led to a host of bad programming practicesas programmers tried to work around the language's limitations). Today, however, the language has grown very large and issplit into a number of different dialects (many of which bear little resemblance to the original BASIC language) andincludes support for many modern programming paradigms like structured programming (using functions or procedures) andobject-oriented programming, etc.

Listed on this page are some free BASIC compilers, interpreters, Visual Basic clones (and Visual Basic itself), anddevelopment environments (IDEs) which you can use to develop programs using the BASIC programming language. If youare looking for documentation or tutorials on learning or using the BASIC language, you may wish to search the selection ofBASIC programming booksat

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Free BASIC Compilers and Interpreters

Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows)

For an individual programmer, Microsoft Visual Studio appears to include most of theimportant tools of its commercial cousins. You get the IDE, debugger, optimizing compiler of the full version,minus a few things in the editor, debugging and profiling facilities. With this suite, you can develop programs forthe desktop and mobile versions of Windows as well as Android. The software also comes with supportfor building programs with Visual Basic, C, C++, C#, F# and Python. At the time I wrote this, the site states thatVisual Studio is 'free for students, open-source contributors and individuals'.

BaCon BASIC (Linux, Mac OS X, *BSD)

BaCon BASIC is a BASIC to C translator for Unix-based systems (like Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, etc), which means that it takes yourBASIC code and changes it into C source code. You will then need a C compilerto compile that code. At this time, the converter appears to be implemented using shell scripts, and you will need either theBASH or Korn shell to run it. (Note: if youare using Linux, chances are that youalready have BASH somewhere on your system. Universal keygen generator mac download. I'm not sure about the other systems, though.)

Vintage BASIC (Windows, Linux)

Vintage BASIC is an interpreter with a language that is close to Microsoft's BASIC version 2 as found in the Commodore 64. Itis 'informed by (but [does] not always stick to) the ANSI Minimal BASIC standard (ANSI X.360-1978)' (as noted in its user guide).You can enter your program using a normalprogrammer's / text editor. If you are nostalgicfor the old BASIC interpreters of bygone days, or simply want to learn to program in BASIC without having to master the event-driven,object-oriented and window/form-based programming metaphors present in many compilers today, this BASIC interpreter may interest you.The program works on Windows andLinux, and is open source.

Chipmunk BASIC Interpreter (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Chipmunk BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. There is also an older version forMac OS 9 Classic. The interpreter provides you a traditional BASIC command line interface where you can enter programsdirectly and execute them, although you can also use a text editor to write your program before passing it to theinterpreter.

Bas BASIC Interpreter (Unix)

Bas is a Unix-based BASIC interpreter that first tokenises your source code internally, resolving referencesto variables and jump targets, before running it. It supports certain BBC BASIC extensionslike procedures, local variables and 'better exception handling'. It is probably no longer beingmaintained any more.

Microsoft Small Basic (Windows)

Microsoft Small Basic (no relation to the other 'Small Basic' listed elsewhereon this Free Basic Compilers page) is a small language with about 15 or so keywords designed to making it easy and 'fun' for peoplelearning to write computer programs. It uses and creates programs for the .NET framework and works on Windows Vista and XP.(In case you think it is something like the old BASIC interpreters that you grew up with in the days ofDOS,CP/M and Apple II, it's not.) It comes with an IDEwith what Microsoft calls Intellisense (an autocomplete facility that gives suggestions how you can complete your keywords/function callsas you type) and context sensitive help. They also have an incomplete (at the time I write this review) 'Getting Started' guidethat is written for the newcomer to programming. (It's incomplete in the sense that they haven't finished writing it —there are whole sections that are just placeholders. But the portions that are currently ready look promising.)

FreeBASIC (Windows, Linux, DOS)

FreeBASIC is an open source (GNU GPL) BASIC compiler that is syntax compatible with QuickBASIC, QBASIC, PDS andVisual Basic for DOS. It generates 32-bit executables that run under Windows and DOS. At the time this was written, thecompiler is still very new, and has little documentation.

SDLBasic (Windows, Linux)

SDLBasic is a BASIC interpreter that integrates the WxBasic interpreter (see elsewhere on this page), theSDL graphics library, and a graphics engine, so that you can use it to write 2D games in BASIC.It is open source software, with the runtime engine licensed under the LGPL and the editor used in theIDE under Scintilla'slicence. It runs under Windows and Linux. Linux users can probably get it through theirdistribution'spackage manager (ie, the program that lets you install/uninstall software on the system).

QB64 (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

This BASIC compiler aims to be 100% compatible with the QuickBasic 4.5 compiler and the QBasic interpreter, butbeing able to create executable files that will run on modern Windows, Mac OS X andLinuxsystems. The language has also been extended to provide support for handlingTCP/IP (internet) connectionsand email, displaying graphic files, playing stereo sound and music files, using animation, displayingTrue Type fonts, handling mouse andgame controller input, integrating with C++,SDL and Windows API DLLs, etc. The compiler comes with its own IDE, although you can of course use some othereditor if you prefer.

ThinBasic Basic Interpreter (Windows)

ThinBasic is a BASIC interpreter for Windows that can be used to create and run BASIC applications on Windows as well as CGI scripts for a web serverrunning in Windows. It supports the addition of DLLs (called modules here) that provide additional functionality, such as the Crypto module which addscryptographic functions which you can call from your application,the SMTP, FTP, TCP modules which Internet-enables your applications,sound-playing modules, and so on.

PC-BASIC (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix-type systems)

PC-BASIC is an interpreter for GW-BASIC, Advanced BASIC (BASICA or IBM BASIC from the old IBM PC computers),Catridge Basic (from the IBM PCJr) and Tandy 1000 GWBASIC. (For those of you who are born after that period, thosewere BASIC interpreters that came with or ran on computers from the 1980s or thereabouts. ) It emulates themost common hardware (video, audio, DOS disk drives, cassette tapes, serial and parallel ports, etc) at the time, canread and write binary data files created by the original GW-BASIC, and is able to run plain text, tokenisedand protected .BAS files. The interpreter/emulator is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Unix-type systems.

GW-BASIC (source only)

Microsoft has released the source code for the 10 February 1983 version of GW-BASIC, a BASIC interpreterthat came with old versions ofMS-DOS(of which versions 1.25 and 2.0 are also open source). More details about this release can be foundin the blog post ofthe Microsoft developer who announced it. Note that this is just the source code. You will still needa compatible assemblerto produce a binary. (Yes, it was written in assembly language.) Unfortunately, information about the build environmenthistorically used appears to have been lost in the mists of time, but one commenter on the blog thinks that it was anIntel ASM86 assembler, based on comments embedded in the code. Important:if you are looking for a BASIC interpreter or compiler to learn BASIC programming, please try one of theother BASIC compilers or interpreters listed on this page, since they are more likely towork out-of-the-box on modern computers. This GW-BASIC release is meant for historical reference, and willprobably only interest the people who grew up with GW-BASIC (or its equivalent, BASICA) in the 1980s,and want to revisit it for nostalgic reasons.

Gambas - Gambas Almost Means Basic (Linux, *BSD)

Gambas is a Basic development environment supporting the Basic programming language with object extensions. It includes anIDE, a BASIC compiler, an interpreter,an archiver and a graphical user interface component. The archiver combines all the files in your project into a single executable file.Although not intended to be a Visual Basic clone, ithas a visual rapid application development interface like VB. Supported operating systems includeLinux andFreeBSD, OpenBSD.

Mono's VisualBasic.NET Compiler (Mono Visual Basic Compiler) (Linux, Windows)

Mono is an open source cross-platform implementation of Microsoft's .NET Development Framework.It includes a VB compiler (VB.NET compiler/Visual Basic compiler that generates .NET virtualmachine code, not native code) that was still under development at the time of this writing,a runtime for CLR (the Common Language Infrastructure) and a set of libraries. You can embedthe runtime into your applications. Mono currently works on Linux (both x86 and PPC), Windows,S390, with work being carried on for Strong/ARM and SPARC.

Decimal BASIC (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

Decimal BASIC supports the syntax and most of the core modules and the graphics module of the ANSI/ISO standard for Full BASIC.This BASIC interpreter includes a debugger that lets you step/trace through your program, set breakpoints andexamine the values held in your variables when it hits a breakpoint. Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.There is also a BASIC to Object Pascaltranslator that runs on those systems.

TNT Basic (Mac OS X, Mac OS 9)

TNT Basic is a BASIC interpreter for the Macintosh. It is geared towards programmers who are creating games for the Macintosh. Thedevelopment environment makes it easy for you to create and edit your code, add graphics and sprites to your program, sounds,music, maps, and define inputs for your game. TNT Basic works on Mac OS 8.6 and above (PowerPC Mac). At the time this briefreview was written, a beta version for Mac OS X support is also available.

GLBCC - GNU / Liberty Basic Compiler Collection (Windows, Linux)

The GNU Liberty Basic Compiler Collection allows Windows and Linux users to compile Liberty Basiccode on those platforms. Unlike the original Liberty Basic, this compiler creates standalone nativeexecutables that do not rely on an external interpreter. GNU / LibertyBasic is open source andlicensed under the GNU GPL and the GNU LGPL.

Just BASIC (Windows)

Just BASIC creates standalone programs from your BASIC source code. (I think it compiles to intermediate code whichis then executed by an interpreter.) It supports functions, subprograms, control structures like DO/LOOP and SELECT/CASE,has a GUI builder, supports sprite animation, sound and music, and comes with a source level debugger.

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Basic4GL (Windows)

Basic4GL is a BASIC compiler for Windows with built-in OpenGL 1.1 support. It is also able to generate code foran Android phone or tablet (though you have to develop your programs on Windows first). It automatically handlesthings like initialising OpenGL, opening an OpenGL window, etc, allowing you to get straight into writing OpenGL code.The language has built-in support for vectors and matrices and you can perform mathematical operations on them(add, multiply) using vector and matrix notation algebra. Other features in Basic4GL include a 2D tile and sprite engine.The compiler generates intermediate code which is run by a virtual machine. The IDE comes with an integrated editor anddebugger.

wxBasic (Windows, Linux)

wxBasic is a BASIC interpreter licensed under the GNU LGPL that runs on Windows and Linux.wxBasic code 'looks a lot like QBasic'. It has OpenGL support, among other things. This interpreter does notappear to be maintained any more.

SmallBASIC (Windows, Linux, N770/N800, PalmOS, eBookMan)

SmallBASIC is a language designed to handle mathematics and graphics. It includes trigonmetric, matrixand algebraic functions, system, sound and graphic commands, structured programming syntax, an IDE, etc.It works on Linux, Windows, Android, Nokia Internet Tablet, PalmOS and eBookMan. It is released under the GNU GPL.

MoonRock Compiler (DOS)

This Basic-like language with extensions produces executables (binaries) for MSDOS real-mode orDPMI protected mode. It comes with the ArrowSoft assembler, documentation andsample programs. It does not seem like it's being maintained any more.

Mole BASIC Interpreter (Linux, AIX, Sun, BSD)

Mole Basic, or Merty's Own Language Extension Basic, runs on Linux, AIX, Sun and BSD andcomes in (C?) source code form which you can modify to extend the language. Binariesfor Linux is also provided.

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XBASIC BASIC Compiler (Windows, Linux)

This is a free BASIC compiler, integrated development environment, and debuggerthat runs on Windows, as well as Linux. You can actually write graphics and GUI programs that can be compiled by both theWindows and Linux versions without changing your source code.

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Bywater BASIC Interpreter (source only)

This is a free BASIC interpreter that compiles and runs on Unix systems. It supports subsets of the ANSI Standardfor Minimal BASIC and the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC. It has been re-released under the GNU GPL (I think it wasin the public domain before) and supports MSDOS and POSIX systems (eg Unix, Linux, etc).

BCX BASIC Compiler (Windows)

BCX is a Win32 console mode program that translates a BASIC source file into C source codewhich can be compiled using LCC-Win32 (see ourFree C/C++ Compilers page for more information about thisfree C compiler). It accepts a subset of modern BASIC, as well as extensions likeuser-defined functions and inline C code.

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